Wow... it has been a while since I last updated my blog. Sigh!
Well, I've been busy going up & down (Kerteh-KL-Melaka-Kerteh) looking around for prospect location to relocate the whole family and some other things. With all weekends away from home, when back at Kerteh, orders have already lined up and I got tonnes of errands and chores to do. Alhamdulillah! So far I'm still breathing! ^v^
Anyway, for this post I love to wish a happy 3rd birthday to adik Siti Hajar!
She is indeed a sweet little darling with a pair of sparkling eyes.
May Allah bless you! InsyaAllah!
Thanks to her dear mommy, Rafidah, who ordered this cake for her.
One of my favourite customer! Wink! wink! *v*
Hand-painted background 'coz I don't have air-brush, yet! |
2D design |
Ain't them cheerful! |
....close-up! |
...a bit more close-up! |
Thanks again for dropping by. Please come again!